Tulip Colorful Ribbon Knitting Needle Set
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الكمية 1 = 10 سم (حوالي 3.9 بوصة)
الكمية 10 = 1 م (حوالي 1.1 ياردة)
[Product Description]
These colorful needles allow even beginners to knit a "row knitting pattern" without twisting the knitting line.
The color of one end of the needle tip makes it easy to distinguish between the side where you pick up the knitting and the side where you continue knitting.
The colorful color of one end of the needle tip makes it easy to distinguish between the side to pick up the knitted line and the side to knit on.
The shape of the needles is designed to be easy for anyone to use.
The needle tips have different shapes for left and right needles, so you can use them according to your preference. The colored needle tip is round, and the other side is slightly pointed.
The center of the needle is narrower, and the tips are thicker and more angular toward the ends. The flat sides of the needles are rounded at the corners to prevent the knitting from slipping off.
The flat surface of the corners prevents the needles from rolling around on the table.
The entire needle is straight and easy to hold. The needles are straight and long enough to hold in your hand when knitting a non-straight-through pattern.
Quantity: 3 needles (1 each of L, M, and S)
[Size (mm)]
L ? 5.50 x 94.0
M ? 4.50 x 94.0
S ? 3.25 x 94.0
Package size: 65mm x 120mm x 7mm
These colorful needles allow even beginners to knit a "row knitting pattern" without twisting the knitting line.
The color of one end of the needle tip makes it easy to distinguish between the side where you pick up the knitting and the side where you continue knitting.
The colorful color of one end of the needle tip makes it easy to distinguish between the side to pick up the knitted line and the side to knit on.
The shape of the needles is designed to be easy for anyone to use.
The needle tips have different shapes for left and right needles, so you can use them according to your preference. The colored needle tip is round, and the other side is slightly pointed.
The center of the needle is narrower, and the tips are thicker and more angular toward the ends. The flat sides of the needles are rounded at the corners to prevent the knitting from slipping off.
The flat surface of the corners prevents the needles from rolling around on the table.
The entire needle is straight and easy to hold. The needles are straight and long enough to hold in your hand when knitting a non-straight-through pattern.
Quantity: 3 needles (1 each of L, M, and S)
[Size (mm)]
L ? 5.50 x 94.0
M ? 4.50 x 94.0
S ? 3.25 x 94.0
Package size: 65mm x 120mm x 7mm
*يشارك متجرنا مخزون المنتجات مع المتاجر الفعلية، لذلك قد يكون المنتج المطلوب غير متوفر في المخزون. يرجى فهم مقدما.
*بسبب الصباغة، قد يختلف اللون قليلاً حتى لو كان نفس المنتج الذي طلبته سابقًا.
*قد يختلف اللون وسمك القماش حسب كمية الوصول.
هذه الظواهر لا يمكن تجنبها لأسباب إنتاجية.
يرجى العلم أنه حتى نفس المنتج قد يكون له ألوان وسمك مختلف قبل الشراء.
(الدفعة هي وحدة إنتاج وشحن المنتجات المصنعة تحت نفس الظروف).
* تتم مشاركة متجرنا وبعض المنتجات مع المتجر الفعلي، لذلك قد يكون المنتج المطلوب غير متوفر في المخزون. يرجى فهم مقدما.