Cotton Southern Cross Printed Fabric, Extrusion Process, Komonji Floral Pongee
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수량 1 = 10cm (약 3.9 인치)
수량 10 = 1 m (약 1.1 야드)
[Product Description]
Nukizome is to dye a pattern by removing the color from a plain dyed cloth in white to match the pattern, and then adding more color.
A dobby weave fabric with a slight, regular weave pattern is used.
The fabric is not too thick or too thin, and the needle threads well, making it easy to sew, even for beginners in handmade crafts.
It is mainly used for Japanese goods and interior decoration materials.
Commercial OK
100% cotton
made in Japan
[Fabric width]
Approx. 110 cm
Nukizome is to dye a pattern by removing the color from a plain dyed cloth in white to match the pattern, and then adding more color.
A dobby weave fabric with a slight, regular weave pattern is used.
The fabric is not too thick or too thin, and the needle threads well, making it easy to sew, even for beginners in handmade crafts.
It is mainly used for Japanese goods and interior decoration materials.
Commercial OK
100% cotton
made in Japan
[Fabric width]
Approx. 110 cm
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*염색으로 인해 이전 주문과 동일한 제품이더라도 색상은 약간 다를 수 있습니다.
*색상 및 직물 두께는 도착 로트에 따라 다를 수 있습니다.
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(많은 것은 동일한 조건에서 제조 된 제품의 생산 및 배송 단위입니다.)
* 우리의 상점과 일부 제품은 실제 상점과 공유되므로 주문한 제품은 재고가 없을 수 있습니다. 미리 이해하십시오.