Moon Veil Tracing Paper
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數量1 = 10厘米(約3.9英寸)
數量10 = 1 m(約1.1碼)
[Product Description]
Soft tracing paper for Chaco Ace Pen.
The underdrawing can be seen and easily traced by tracing with a pattern copying marker. The purple ink of the pattern marker disappears naturally and can be erased with water.
Blue ink can be erased with water, but not naturally.
The soft, translucent ink is easy to match.
Once a design is drawn on the moon veil, it can be transferred many times.
Even three-dimensional objects can be softly copied.
Size and content
Dimensions (H x W)(cm) 30cm x 50cm, 3 sheets
Soft tracing paper for Chaco Ace Pen.
The underdrawing can be seen and easily traced by tracing with a pattern copying marker. The purple ink of the pattern marker disappears naturally and can be erased with water.
Blue ink can be erased with water, but not naturally.
The soft, translucent ink is easy to match.
Once a design is drawn on the moon veil, it can be transferred many times.
Even three-dimensional objects can be softly copied.
Size and content
Dimensions (H x W)(cm) 30cm x 50cm, 3 sheets