Cotton Oxford Fabric - Flower
Free shipping on orders over $100
數量1 = 10厘米(約3.9英寸)
數量10 = 1 m(約1.1碼)
[Product Description]
We use Oxford fabric which is easy to handle for both miscellaneous and clothing purposes.
It is thick enough to withstand shirts and dresses, and can be used to make bags for miscellaneous items.
It is also popular as a material for other accessories and home decor items.
Commercial OK
100% Cotton
Made in Japan
[Fabric width]
對於以測量長度出售的產品,例如織物和絲帶= 0.1碼(以圖案單位出售的產品除外)
對於其他商品= 1個項目
Yard to cm conversion table

To help you navigate between different measurement systems,
we’ve provided a conversion table for yards, inches, centimeters, and meters.