USA Cotton - WINDHAM FABRICS Multi Parade
Free shipping on orders over $100
數量1 = 10厘米(約3.9英寸)
數量10 = 1 m(約1.1碼)
[Product Description]
A new pattern has appeared in the USA cotton line, which is very popular in our stores!
We highly recommend this wonderful design, which can only be imported.
It is a plain weave fabric with a thickness about the same as muslin, and is easy to handle.
This easy-to-handle fabric is perfect for interior decor and small accessories.
USA cotton refers to the design, and most of the production countries are Japan and Korea.
Commercial OK
100% Cotton
[Fabric width]
對於以測量長度出售的產品,例如織物和絲帶= 0.1碼(以圖案單位出售的產品除外)
對於其他商品= 1個項目
Yard to cm conversion table

To help you navigate between different measurement systems,
we’ve provided a conversion table for yards, inches, centimeters, and meters.