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Fieltro y lana


Emmurabu (numbers) 0-9 - nomura tailor
Emmurabu (numbers) 0-9 - nomura tailor

Emmurabu (números) 0-9

Emmurabu (English letters) o ~ z - nomura tailor
Emmurabu (English letters) o ~ z - nomura tailor
Emmurabu (English letters) a ~ n - nomura tailor
Emmurabu (English letters) a ~ n - nomura tailor
Baby animal made with Needle Felt Sasako Sasa 3 - nomura tailor
Baby animal made with Needle Felt Sasako Sasa 2 - nomura tailor
Baby animal made with Needle Felt Sasako Sasa 1 - nomura tailor
Cat brooch made with felt and embroidery 2 - nomura tailor
Cat brooch made with felt and embroidery 1 - nomura tailor
Emmurabu (small tsukizuyo) ★ h - nomura tailor
Emmurabu (small tsukizuyo) ★ h - nomura tailor
Emmurabu (row, woin) - nomura tailor
Emmurabu (row, woin) - nomura tailor

Emmurabu (fila, woin)

Emmurabu (Ma, yuyo) - nomura tailor
Emmurabu (Ma, yuyo) - nomura tailor

Emmurabu (Ma, Yuyo)

Emmurabu (Noriyuki is a line) - nomura tailor
Emmurabu (Noriyuki is a line) - nomura tailor
Washable felt (seal type) 1 - nomura tailor
Washable felt (seal type) 1 - nomura tailor
Washable felt 1 - nomura tailor
Washable felt 1 - nomura tailor

Fieltro lavable 1

Korean iron glue felt - nomura tailor
Korean iron glue felt - nomura tailor
Felt puncher 5 needle - nomura tailor

Aguja de fieltro 5 aguja

Felt puncher 3 needle - nomura tailor

Puncher 3 aguja

Baby animal made with Needle Felt Sasako Sasa - nomura tailor
Cat brooch made with felt and embroidery - nomura tailor
Washable felt (seal type) - nomura tailor
Washable felt (seal type) - nomura tailor
Washable felt - nomura tailor
Washable felt - nomura tailor

Fieltro lavable



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