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Reparación de suministros


Inner winding tape on the back 2 - nomura tailor
Inner winding tape on the back 1 - nomura tailor
Etiquette brush 1 - nomura tailor

Cepillo de etiqueta 1

Repair sheet (for waterproofing) - nomura tailor
Nobi Nobi knee (stretch chino) - nomura tailor
Nobi Nobi knee (stretch denim) - nomura tailor
Nobi Nobi knee (stretch denim) - nomura tailor
Nobi Nobi knee (for jersey) - nomura tailor
Nobi Nobi knee (for jersey) - nomura tailor
Inner winding tape on the back - nomura tailor
Darning mushroom ≪ Replacement type≫ - nomura tailor
Darning thread set ≪Color 1≫ - nomura tailor
Transparent repair sheet of clothing with fan - nomura tailor
Capture sheet of clothing with fan navy blue - nomura tailor
Black repair sheet for clothing with fan - nomura tailor
Downwear repair sheet - nomura tailor
Downwear repair sheet - nomura tailor
Clear strap (extension type) - nomura tailor
Refreshing brush pen α (for refilling) - nomura tailor
Etiquette brush - nomura tailor

Pincel de etiqueta

Jersey repair sheet - nomura tailor
Jersey repair sheet - nomura tailor
Hat Pitat and tape - nomura tailor
Hat Pitat and tape - nomura tailor

Gat pitat y cinta

Stretch hat size tape width 25mm - nomura tailor
Stretch hat size tape width 25mm - nomura tailor
Super powerful adhesive snail tape - nomura tailor
Super powerful adhesive snail tape - nomura tailor
Hat size tape width 30mm - nomura tailor
Hat size tape width 30mm - nomura tailor
Hat size tape width 25m/m - nomura tailor
Hat size tape width 25m/m - nomura tailor
Light ground hirage tape - nomura tailor
Light ground hirage tape - nomura tailor
Waterproof tape of seam 20mm width - nomura tailor
Waterproof tape of seam 30mm width - nomura tailor
Stretch chino repair sheet - nomura tailor
Stretch denim repair sheet - nomura tailor
Stretch denim repair sheet - nomura tailor


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